Thursday, February 14, 2013

For Those Looking For Some TGOG Video and Technique

Here is some video that may help explain things a bit better.  Though some of the techniques are a bit different than the method I describe in my posts, the theory is basically the same.

Some confusion that's been going on is alignment and assignment.  First off, the rules are clear and concise.  When the defense aligns, regardless of the front, the DL know their assignment based on the status of their inside gap.  If their inside gap is open, then they are a two gapper.  If the inside gap is occupied, then they are a one gapper.

Some other questions have been on whether or not the one gapper will still spill.  My answer has been, yes if he can, if not, no big deal, he did his job by getting off the ball and getting up field.  He should be aligned wide enough to see this, but it's not imperative that he spill, in my opinion.  The run fits work with or without him spilling.

I've had coaches ask me about the various fronts you can run this technique out of, to which my answer has been "I do not know" because all I've ever run it out of is an even front.  Some coaches are suggesting running a two gap nose and have the DT's or DE's in an outside shade and let them two gap.  Look, the idea here is simple, use the technique and the rules, and apply them accordingly.

Another thing I got from my friend who runs this technique is he has switched to using this technique against one back teams only now.  Against two and three back teams he has moved to a traditional way of playing blocks and utilizes a one-back adjustment to the base technique which is TGOG.  When I ran it (by sheer accident) I used it as a call, so really, the sky's the limit when it comes to how you want to package this with your defense.

I really don't know any other way to explain the technique other than what I have.  Hopefully the videos can give me a bit of credibility on the basis of the technique, since some of my peers feel that if it isn't run on Saturdays or Sundays then the technique isn't worth squat!  Anyhow, just thought I'd take a break from writing this book to drop a blurb on TGOG to set things straight.


Sunday, February 3, 2013

I do Apologize

As shown on The 12th Man Blog, I got a little heated last week, and wasn't really thinking when I shut the site down.  I have been literally shocked by all the PM's on the Huey board and the emails of folks that use this site, some on a daily basis.  I never intended the site to be used like that, it was really just a form of release for me.  I had no idea so many of you actually used this stuff.  So, this post is a sincere apology for letting a few "bad eggs" spoil it for everybody else.

I'm a very passionate person when it comes to things I love, and I fight for them, and I also struggle with criticism of some of my ideas that I'm very passionate about.  Criticism, to me, is failure.  However, we all know, criticism is how we get better, and this is one of those times I let my flaw get to me.  Like the title says, I do apologize.

The site is up, but I'm going to take a break from posting for a while.  I need to finish this book, and I've got a couple of job interviews I may go to as well.  I'm going to focus on that, and see where that gets me, so don't worry, I'm sure I'll be back on here blogging in no time (it's kind of addicting).  Until then, use whatever you can on the site, and shoot me any questions you have at

Take care,
