Sunday, July 29, 2012

Why or Why Not? Choosing the Right Offense

Been a while since my last post and for great reason.  I've been doing some research on various offenses and the nuances surrounding each of these offenses.  As you can imagine, this research can by no means cover EVERY offense out there, so what I did was to group many of these offenses into categories and go from there.  What I asked coaches to share with me was why should I run the offense you run and then why shouldn't I.  What I got was a deep look in many offensive coordinator's (OC's) heads as to what they felt made their offenses tick.  So, let's take a look at the research and dig into the whys and why nots!

Pro I
The pro I has been around for many years, and is a very simple offense to run and install.  Finding I formation coaches to talk about this offense didn't take too long, here's what the consensus was on the Pro I offense.

Why the I formation?  Well, the I can be many things to many people.  There are I formation teams that zone block and others that man block, or even use a version of Wing-T blocking in their I formations.  The I formation is a great way to feature a stud running back (RB) at the tailback (TB) position.  Playaction is a great tool the I offense utilizes to keep the pressure off this stud RB.  The I offense can also add the option game very easily to its repoitre.  Although the I formation has fallen somewhat by the wayside with the spread offense gaining so much popularity here lately, you can still see even spread teams using the I formation when they need the tough yards, or in goal line situations.

Why Not
Unanimously agreed upon was lack of a real threat at TB.  The offense just doesn't do much, unless you run option, without a first rate TB.  A good tight end (TE) is a must as well.  The TE, and the playaction passing game are a major way many I formation teams take pressure off the RB position.  Also, having a good lead blocking fullback (FB) was considered by many coaches as a must.  Most I formation coaches interviewed didn't really ask the FB to be much of a runner, but he had to be willing to lead block.  Also, an offensive line (OL) who can really move people is a must, because the I formation is not the greatest at deception, and if you don't run the option out of it then all players must be accounted for in the blocking scheme. 

Helps to have guys like this at tailback!

In summary, a lot of I formation teams have moved on to the spread, for various reasons, and haven't forgotten their roots.  There are still some teams that have kept the I as their base, and without a doubt, the I is a very simple offense to install, that has limitless possibilities.

Split Back Veer
The Split Back Veer (SBV) is an offense that has been around since the Houston Veer days and has really been kept alive by the success of Carson Newman University.  However, you still don't see many SBV teams (In the past six years I've faced one, one time in the playoffs).  I must admit, when run well, the SBV offense is a beautiful thing to watch.

Reading people and not blocking them is always easier!  Most option coaches agreed to this statement wholeheartedly.  Being able to run a large variety of options such as midline, inside veer (ISV) and outside veer (OSV) are also big reasons to run the SBV.  The added fact that installing a pro style of run game with isolation, power and trap at your disposable adds to the destructive power of the SBV offense. 

Why Not
Option quarterbacks (QB's) do not always grow on trees, and when running an option oriented offense the QB is the focal point whether you like it or not.  Most SBV coaches agreed that in years where they were grooming young QB's or QB's who struggled to make their reads, records suffered.  Turnovers can also be a major limiting factor to why somebody would want to run the SBV.  Most option offenses do have a tendency to have higher turnover ratios that more traditional offenses do.  The versatility of the RB's was another issue many SBV coaches talked about.  Both halfbacks (HB's) have to be able to run inside the tackles, lead block, and run outside in order to fully open up the offense's potential.  Lacking one of these traits can severely limit the SBV offense. 

In summary the SBV offense is not for everybody. I takes a ton of discipline to run this offense, as does any option oriented offense. The major benefit of SBV over other option offenses is the ability to leave the option for a more pro or traditional style run game whenever needed.

The Wing-T has many versions, but for the purpose of this post, I've lumped them all into one category here.  I'm sure that will tick off many a Hybrid Wing-T coach, and my apologies to all the Wes Elrods out there!

The number one reason for the coaches choosing the Wing-T was deception.  The offense keeps defenses off balance by the use of deception with backfields that criss-cross and traps and counters galore.  The lack of the need for a great feature back was also a big plus for all Wing-T coaches interviewed.  Also, the lack of a dominant OL was considered by many a huge factor when choosing the Wing-T as a base offense.  With the advent of the Shotgun Wing-T, now the offense has been opened up even more than its predecessors.  Another good reason for selecting the Wing-T is that your QB does not have to all-world or even have a great arm for that matter.

Why Not
If you don't have a couple of guards that can run and block in space, you need to look elsewhere.  Most Wing-T coaches agreed, the guards make that offense go, and without a couple of guys that can pull and block in space, the offense becomes bogged down with little options to go to in order to help alleviate the problem.  A lot of Wing-T coaches also agreed that a good TE was needed to really stress defenses.  The TE side of the offense gets a lot of the run game, so the need for a blocking TE is a necessity.  The TE can also hurt defenses in the playaction passing game as well, so the need for a versatile TE was very popular amongst Wing-T coaches interviewed.

In summary, the Wing-T is as old as the hills and is very popular in high school football (some in college if you look at what Gus Malzahn does).  You need some pulling guards and a decent TE to really be able to do damage with this offense, but the lack of specialization has many coaches going to this format of offense.

Double Wing
The dreaded Double Wing (DW) offense has been at the heart of many turnaround stories, yet is still not all that popular of an offense.  Most coaches look down their noses at an offense that doesn't spread the field anymore than the DW does, however, those that run this offense swear by it, and here's why.

No need for a dominating OL.  With foot-to-foot splits and a large portion of the blocking scheme being angle blocks and double teams, the OL does not have to be this massive road grader that each player can move defenders at will.  Most DW OL are not very big, but they do get the job done.  You also don't need Peyton Manning to QB the DW offense either.  Since this is a run oriented offense, the QB is merely your manager of the game, which is also a quite appealing factor to the DW offense. 

Why Not
You won't go far without a fairly dominating FB, or wingbacks (WB's) that can block.  The FB gets a large bulk of the carries in the offense and is asked to do some blocking, so this player needs to be pretty good in order to help make the offense be as potent as intended.  WB's that will not block can hurt any offense, but the DW having two of these guys that won't block, or struggle blocking is a no-no.  Also, a lot of DW coaches, or coaches who had run the DW offense, said having a QB willing to do more than just hand off was a must.  Many coaches rely on the Super Power Sweep and other run plays that involve using the QB as a lead blocker.  If you have a pre-Madonna QB, this might not be the offense for him, or your team for that matter.  Lastly, the lack of the down field passing game has scared away more than one coach on occasion.  Most DW coaches would argue, you don't need the vertical passing game because playaction is usually so open, and I would tend to agree.

Without a doubt many folks claim the DW to be contrarian, however there are enough successful programs running it for me to disagree.  The need for a solid FB a tough QB and some good blocking WB's is not enough deterrence, in my mind, to outweigh the advantages of running the DW offense.

We all know I like the Flexbone, but the "original spread offense" does have some drawbacks.  Still, there's nothing better than kicking back on the couch on a Saturday afternoon and watching Navy and Georgia Tech. giving people fits running the vaunted Flexbone Triple Option Attack.

As with any option offense when you can read them and not block them you are opening up a whole load of positives.  The lack of a need for a dominant OL is another reason, since there are double and triple teams designed at the point of attack (POA) on most option plays.  Not needing a true "feature back" as some offenses do is also a plus in many coaches minds.  With the potential of four guys getting the ball on any one play, it becomes very difficult for defenses to just "tee-off" on Flexbone teams.  Having an option offense centered around a vertical based passing formation is also a plus.  Sure, very few Flexbone teams are known as great passing teams, however you have to honor any offenses ability to throw the ball when they line up in the Run-N-Shoot base formation! 

Why Not
In Federation governed states, the inability to cut block on the perimeter of the offense is much akin to giving an alcoholic Odoul's.  Why it tastes like and smells like beer, it ain't the real thing!  Watch Navy or Georgia Tech. and you will see perimeter defenders fighting to stay on their feet on every play.  Losing this aspect has really hurt the transition of this offense from college to high school.  The QB and FB are two major components that if lacking in any one of them can severely strain the offenses ability to attack all areas of the defense.  Having a QB that struggles making the reads, and making them coolly can effect the offense drastically.  Slots that will not block or are not good blockers on the perimeter can limit the offense as well.  When these players can cut, the lesser athlete has the upper hand, however with an inability to cut in most states, these slot backs have to be decent blockers in the open field, or the offense simply will not function properly.

I am biased here as I think the Flexbone is the ultimate option offense, however without the a good threat at QB and FB, you really can see the offense fall off.  Also, the inability to cut down field has greatly reduced the Flexbone's presence at the high school level.

Wow, what do we mean by spread?  Yes, I know there are a myriad of offenses called the "Spread", however I'm talking about any offense that is 1 back, or empty and comes in two distinct varieties.  You have the spread to run, and spread to throw offenses.  I know, there's Air Raid, Tony Franklin, Gus Malahn and Dan Mullen spread offenses out there, but they all do have some things in common, so hear me out.

Puts athletes in space, and makes the defense defend the entire field.  How many times have we heard that?  However, when interviewed, most spread coaches made this statement and it is so very true.  Unlike the DW or Wing-T offenses where a defense can gang up and but eight, nine or even ten defenders in the box, the spread does not allow for this.  The defense must move defenders out to cover the split receivers or risk being outflanked.  How many defenders is also always a question.  Do you go for a full three on two, or four on three advantage, and reduce numbers in the box, or do you keep box players closer to their assignments?  These questions are asked by defensive coordinators (DC's) daily.  Not having to have a feature back was another positive for most spread OC's.  Sure, having a RB that can stress the defense is a must, but not a necessity.  The added danger of being able to run simple option plays such as zone read, dart, midline and ISV have made the spread even more dangerous in recent years.

Why Not
Gotta have a QB.  If you are going to parade around in a passing formation, you eventually are going to have to show you can throw the ball. Even if it's just screens or three step passes, you need to keep the defense honest by being able to throw the football.  If you have a QB that can't do that, or doesn't do it well, then the defense can simply go back to loading the box and stuffing your run game.  Also, if you are a spread option team, look under the Flexbone section, the rules also apply for spread option QB's as well.  These guys must be able to make these decisions in a split second and be correct at least 70 percent of the time, or else the offense will be hampered.  The need for an offensive line that is versatile is a must as well.  Spread OL's, whether they be spread to run, or spread to pass, must be very versatile.  Wing-T, DW and Flexbone OL don't have to be great pass protectors due to playaction being a large part of their passing game.  Many spread teams don't base off the playaciton pass like other offenses do, so having an OL that can protect the QB, but also open up holes in the run game is a must.  Another huge component, often overlooked by coaches making the switch to the spread is the need for athletes on the perimeter of the offense.  Many coaches feel that they can hide a weak OL by being spread and using a lot of screens to get the ball out of the QB's hands quickly.  This works if two things are present.  First the receivers in your offense must be good at blocking, because there's nothing worse than running a screen for a two yard loss.  Second, the athletes you are throwing the ball to, need to be able to do something with it once the ball is caught.  If your best receiver runs a 4.9 forty time, in a league of 4.5's at DB, you might want to reconsider your choice of offense.  For those spread teams than use 11, and 12 personnel, the TE is a critical position to find.  Having a TE in the spread can really create match up issues for the defense, however, not having a threat at TE can be just as dangerous.  Also having a TE that can run and pass block was many coaches key factor to determining what their base personnel would be that year.  One coach I talked to made the comment that in years they had TE's they did more 11 and 12 personnel stuff and when they didn't have these players they went to more 10 and empty personnel formations.  Lastly, having a center who can consistently make a shotgun snap is a must for those spread teams that choose to base out of shotgun formations.

Basically put, the spread ain't for everybody.  You need a decent gunslinger at QB and an OL that is pretty versatile.  Many teams are going the way of the spread, but probably too many are finding out it's not their cup of tea.  If you have the components though, this offense is the hottest ticket in all of football.

Single Wing
The Single Wing (SW) whether balanced or unbalanced is an offense that many coaches claimed died 30 plus years ago.  However, there are many coaches, who would argue that the offense didn't die, it simply went underground to get some major improvements.

The number one reason SW coaches said they ran this offense was the lack of a need for a true QB.  Since any one of the RB's in the SW offense can throw the football, the need for one pure passer becomes obsolete.  Several coaches FOUND the SW offense by not having a QB and switching to the offense to give their kids a chance to compete.  Running a close second behind the first reason to run the SW was the lack of a need for a dominating OL.  Similar to the DW in these regards, the SW uses a lot of double teaming and down blocks which don't take are great amount of skill or strength to execute.  Deception is another major reason to select the SW offense as your vehicle of choice for attacking your opponents.  There is no single more deceptive series in all of football than the spin series in the SW offense.  One coach even remarked that the SW offense was the most deceptive offense in all of football.  Lastly, simplicity of the offense and ease of install was listed by many coaches I talked to.  The offense is not flashy, and even so, it can be deadly when run properly.

Why Not
The reason here is similar to the Wing-T in that you need at least two players who can move and block in space.  The pulling guard, or power guard as some call him and the blocking back (BB) are two players that are at the heart and soul of most SW offenses.  For those that ran the unbalanced version of the SW offense, the need for a dominant blocker at the outside tackle was sometimes mentioned also.  The need for a good center who can make all the snaps needed in the SW offense was also a concern amongst most SW coaches interviewed.  The center need not be a great or dominant blocker, yet he does have to make a wide variety of shotgun type snaps in the SW offense.

The lack of a vertical passing game and the need for two mobile blockers are not enough deterrence to the "lifers" when it comes to the SW.  SW and Flexbone both are almost "cult-ish" when it comes to their offensive style.

Obviously not all offenses fit into the neat little boxes I've put them in.  This is just a somewhat comprehensive list of some popular offenses that I sought out coaches to talk to.  Obviously there are many, many offenses I did not list.  I looked for the most popular ones, and talked to those coaches as I didn't really want to deal with anything "contrarian".  Anyhow, just some side research I was doing over the past few months, thought I'd share.  Season is upon us, no time like now right?!


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Why Install Both Special and Solo Coverages?

I get this question a lot from guys, and I guess things are not making sense, so I'm going to try and set the record straight with this post.  First off, we must understand, that everything is done for a reason.  Solo and Special Coverages are overloaded zones pushed to the passing strength to help with 3x1, 3x2 and 4x1 offensive sets.  So let's take a look at what each coverage is, and why each coverage is needed.

Solo, often referred to by old-school Quarters coverage guys as "Poach" is basically Blue (2 read) to the number one and number two receivers on a trips side.  In the TCU 4-2-5, the read side corner, strong safety (SS) and free safety (FS) will all play blue coverage to the number one and two receivers.  The number three receiver strong is handled by both the read side linebacker and the away side safety.  The weak side corner will cover the single receiver man-to-man, and the away side linebacker (LB) will take the running back in man coverage also. 

Here are the individual rules:
Read side:
Corner: All of 1 vertical/Swing deep of 2
FS: All of 2 vertical; 2 not vertical and in, rob curl to post of 1, 2 not vertical and out, man 1.
SS: Curl/Flat/Swing deep of 3.
LB: Strong hook, short wall 3.

Away side:
Corner: Man #1.
WS: Deep 1/2, all of 3 vertical.
LB: Man #2.

Pros of Solo Coverage
Right off the bat you can see that the simplicity of the coverage is that the read side needs no new teaching (with the exception of the wall off technique by the read side linebacker).  This is nothing more than the simple "X-out" concept many loaded zone coverages employ.  The away side is also a relatively simple assignment as well, since kids have been playing man-to-man since they were first put on playgrounds.  Also, the run support to the read side is very solid, with the SS still being in a great position to force the football from his normal alignment.

Cons of Solo Coverage
The weak side run support is the biggest issue I know of with Solo coverage.  The WS is put in a bind in that if the number three receiver goes vertical, he MUST honor that release, leaving the force player late to the party on the away side.  However, you must remember, the read side is always set to the wide side of the field when the ball is on a hash, so there is not much room for the offense to maneuver to the single receiver side.  In the middle of the field though, I would say this could be a recipe for some big gains, particularly if your opponent is used to sending its receivers vertical.  The other issue is the WS's ability to get over the number three receiver when he is running vertical.  Another tough issue, is when the vertical of three becomes a corner route.  There is some much needed seven-on-seven time with Solo coverage.  Another issue that arises is that most times the single receiver in a trips set is the best receiver of the bunch, and if they pit him against your corner, you could see some mismatches based on personnel. 

Another con is flood routes to the read side.  Depending on how you declare receivers vertical, you can be caught in a pinch if you are not careful.  The flood route is as dangerous as one may think, but does take some work to perfect.

What Solo isn't, Special is.  That's about as simple as you can put it really.  Special is an excellent 3x1 coverage, that is also an "X-out" concept, however this time the manned receiver is on the read side instead of the away side.

The individual rules are as follows:

Read side:
Corner: Man #1.
FS: All of 3 vertical; 3 not vertical and in, rob curl to post of 2; 3 not vertical and out, man 2.
SS: All of 2 vertical, swing deep of 3.
LB: Strong hook, all of 4 vertical.

Away side:
Corner: Play call (can play sky/cloud,bronco etc).
WS: Play call.
LB: Depends on call.

The away side has a ton of freedom.  You can do any of the following options.

TCU would refer this as cover five, however in my system when the corner is the flat player, then we simply tag it Cloud.  In cloud, the corner is the flat player, and is also the swing deep of two player.  The WS then becomes the deep 1/2, all of one vertical player with the away side LB playing the weak hook to curl, and has all of number two vertical.

Sky is simply the opposite of cloud for the WS and weak corner.  I like Sky coverage because it has safety run support, and I prefer to have my safeties force instead of my corners.

You can run blue coverage to this side as well, but you do have a rough time defending the curl from blue coverage, so I only recommend this if your opponent does not attack the curl area, or if you on a hash.

Bronco is a better option than Blue, because you can tighten the WS's alignment to assist in supporting the run.  Bronco is played many ways, I simply man the corner on the number one receiver and the WS will take all of number two vertical or out. 

Solid is the way to truly get 3x1 teams out of trips.  In Solid you can run Solid Backer, Solid Smoke, or Solid Cobra.  All three are shown below.

Solid Backer

Solid Smoke

Solid Cobra

As you can see, the defense is taking advantage of a three-on-two match up and attacking the offense with this match up.  Solid coverage is one of my favorites because the offense does not expect this from a zone look on the backside of a 3x1 formation.

Pros of Special Coverage
The top reason I like Special is the fact I can cover my opponents best receiver with two players.  You can mix and match either having the safety over the top, or the corner, thereby keeping your opponent's quarterback (QB) guessing as to which player is responsible for what zone.

The addition of Solid coverage on the away side is another great reason to play Special Solid.  Attacking the offense is what the defense should ALWAYS have in mind, and Solid does just this. 

The weak side run support in Special is much better than Solo because either the corner or WS has deep help to their side.  This frees this player up to attack the line of scrimmage (LOS) on run looks, as well as helping to play the cutback on runs to the strong side.

Cons of Solo Coverage
The cons most often come to the read side.  The read side run support is tricky at best.  The SS should be the force player, but can easily be influenced by the release of the number three receiver.  The FS and read side LB can alleviate this somewhat, but the run support to that side takes some work.

The cross-training of the SS as a corner also takes some work, but is not as tedious as many may thing.  However, this does add to the complexity of the coverage. 

So, looking at what both these coverages are and aren't, really shows why both are a compliment to each other.  The biggest reason to run both, is quite easy, run support.  I did not run much Special for fear of the complexity and did just fine, however flood routes and away side runs did take their toll on my team.  I would have benefited from installing Special, to combat the problems that are inherent to Solo coverage.

Yes, both coverages take time to implement, and I recommend installing Solo first, as it is an easier coverage install.  However, I do think, as the season rolls along, you should have Special installed by your third game at the latest.  This is just my opinion, and obviously the earlier the better. 


Monday, July 9, 2012

2011 Navy Film Needed

I missed a chance at DVR'ing this week the Army-Navy games on CBS College Football Express.  If anyone did this, and is interested in donating them or trading for something, please let me know.  Hit me up at and let me know what you need, or if you want donate something to my cause.

Looking to get back into blogging now that I've had a relaxing vacation and got some good clinic time in with OJW, Coach Hoover and the boys.  If you missed out on the free clinic, you missed a TON of great FREE information on the game of football.  I would like to extend a large thank you to OJW and his family for having us, putting up with us, and better yet, FEEDING US!  It was a great day of nothing but talking and demonstrating football and football techniques.  Hopefully we can start making this a yearly tradition!

